PT Motorsport CANbus IO Expander Nano
Emulates behavior of Haltech IO 12 box.
Can be used with other brands of ECU with programmable canbus.
- 4x Digital pulsed outputs (200ma Limit)
- 4x 0v – 5v Analog inputs
- 4x Digital Inputs (on – off state only)
- Change from IO Box A or B by jumping pin A5 to ground or not.
There are limitations with this nano board:
– 200mA limit for the outputs.
– No frequency drive for the outputs. State or PWM only. (490hz or 980hz)
– 0v-5v on the AVI only, no input protection, no 12v input to AVI or DPI pins
-DPIs are state only (on or off), No Frequency measurements. Pull to ground.
Includes 4 and 5 pin connectors